Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We flirt over texts, but it's SO awkward when we meet? HELP PLEASE, girls or guys?!?

My best friend had this situation once, but she was too shy to talk to the guy about it. And i was pretty good friends with the guy (well not good friends we kinda hated each other but not like real hate cause we talked all the time, its hard to explain lol) and i talked to him and here's basically what I said "It's no secret that you 2 like each other, but there is no point in having a relationship if you don't talk to each other in real life because the best part in being bf/gf is holding hands, seeing each other laugh, hanging out together. So I understand that you are a little shy and you don't want to blow it with her but you have to go for it and just start conversations with her in real life" And apparently he got my point because next time they saw each other he went right over with her and started talking. Just look for things that you 2 could talk about. Have you ever had a funny conversation that you talked about over text? Maybe you could bring that up in real life. When you see this guy in real life, don't be afraid to walk over to him and be like "Hi, whats new?" And if you 2 really have love connections you should easily find things that you can talk about. Hope this helped !

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