Saturday, July 23, 2011

I would like to ask how many semesters do development studies in IIT madras have ?

Please anyone who gives the right info as soon as possible will get good points even more i will b thankful to u a lot..please help me fast

Disney auditions heard through radio? Scam?

Those radio audition things are a scam they make you join classes and just take all your money. If you want a real Disney audition thing they are holding open casting calls for Disney in Richmond Vermont July 9th. Just look that up if you are interested. All you really have to do is show up. You don't need any past experience.

Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?

What you need to do is not care what Valintina is doing. If you want to write a book. do it. if you want to live in New York. Go ahead. Its a big city and noones stoppin ya. You give Valintina too much credit, she probly doesnt realize what she's doing, or maybe she does. but do you really want to give her the attention? Just ignore what she wants and do whats good for you and what you want. Tell someone about whats happening. Because by the way you ranted in this question i'd say ya need it. and im not being mean just blunt. Be what you want to be and dont let jelousy or upstagement get in your way. when they compare you to her take it as motivation to be urself. Dont try to not be like her, it will only frustrate you. Just be you. and if ya dont know you that is, well neither does every other teen. So dont worry about it, i know that it seems hard and that your probly ready to explode, so let it out. Rant to the skies, run til ya pass out(not really it sucks when that happens), do something to let it out and help yourself. But remember that other people are going through the same thing everywhere and people are going to judge you and are going to be rude, but you've got to learn to deal with it and not by self harm. instead use it as motivation. I remember my grandma got me a pair of pants that where HUGE a couple years ago and i mean huge. and she said id grow into them. well it hurt my feelings because to me it meant she thought i was going to be that big when i got older, but then i got mad and got to where im a healthy weight :) and i know the situations are not near the same but use negetive stuff to make a positive impact on your life. I really hope this helped

What is wrong with me?

Well 0 is wrong with you. You just could be a late bloomer or maybe you did not get the gene the rest of family did. I have always had small boobs and I always wanted implants but when I could get them I changed my mind. I think it is more attractive as you age do not have the sagging and back problems. You could wear a padded bra or if possible get implants later on. You may blossom out in time anyways. Again 0 is wrong with you your still young

Is it wierd that i haven't dated yet?

I'm a sixteen year old girl, and at my school every one i know has at least dated once, even people a few years younger than me. I've never been asked out, and I feel like a freak. I'm not ugly, but i'm not really pretty either, but I am pretty shy and I don't have a ton of friends. What should I do??? A few days ago I was with my cousin and he's gonna be in 9th grade, and some really annoying girl is always texting him so he gave me her number and I started texting her. We were looking for things to bash her with and one thing he told me to say was your such a loser, you've only ever had one boyfriend. I didn't say it cause i'm not that mean, but I felt like such a loser, and idk what to do!

I need some help with ideas for my sweet sixteen party! Please! :)?

I'm having a Halloween themed party because my birthday is October 27th. I need some really great ideas to help me like: invitations, colors (I was thinking of black & orange), what I should be because it's an costume party, & stuff like that! :)

How can I slow down the wind?

My house sits up on a small hill above the other homes here.The wind I get is crazy.It lifts my furniture,takes my umbrellas over the fence to the road.I was thinking that tress would help.This is the best way to describe the layout. backyard.Come out of door,to the right is patio,open area and neighbors door,go straight and that is where pool is,surrounded by bushes.Turn right and more open space then my fence.The road is on the other side of this fence.I have tied things down,the ground won't hold stakes well,because the earth is clay.Any ideas?I had a swing out there,the wind moved it forward,then sideways and it crashed through my bedroom windows.We are talking fierce wind here.Thank you for taking the time to read this.I'm thinking along the lines of landscaping differently????

Good country song quotes?

Im looking for a good quote that has something to do with never giving up, being ambitious, and fierce. suggestions welcome =]

What should i do with my life?

no human can tell another what to do with your life only you can decide. so do anything you want as long as its legal. and always remember that life is a gift charish it and do as you please. just remeber its your life do it your way so live life to its fullest. i'm sorry if i didn't help.

Tired of Being Cute- Fashion Advice?

maybe you could try rebonding ur hair? and maybe go for some job to get slimmer on ur cheeks and also maybe you might want to do what adults do =)

Can guys have sixteenth birthday parties?

Not sweet sixteen parties, just a party for their sixteenth birthday with friends, food, and fun times

I need some help with ideas for my sweet sixteen party! Please! :)?

I'm having a Halloween themed party because my birthday is October 27th. I need some really great ideas to help me like: invitations, colors (I was thinking of black & orange), what I should be because it's an costume party, & stuff like that! :)

Will I lose weight if I keep this up?

I'm sixteen and trying to lose some weight to get rid of some of this curviness that I hate. -_- Anyways, I'm a dancer, so I thought, 'What better way to exercise than dancing, right?' In the morning, I have five strawberries. In the afternoon. I have two pieces of toast and a yogurt. After doing that, I play Just Dance 2.. It's a Wii game, and all in all, I burn 952 calories on it. Afterwards, I'll eat a regular dinner, because I can't really control what my Mom fixes. But she cooks healthy things and small portions, so I think I'm good on that. Anyways, I've been doing this for a few days, and I haven't lost anything. /: Will I lose any weight if I keep this up?

Why do people have to pay for auto insurance?

I have a 2002 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.6L. I don't have the full coverage but i still have to pay about two hundred dollars for the insurance? What is the point of that if the insurance doesn't even do anything? At one point a car hit me in the intersection and it totaled and they didn't even help me get it out of the impound? Why do people have to for pay this exactly? I'm sixteen i don't know much about this stuff and my mother isn't always home so i cant ask her.

Kamaraj Plan, would that be a sanjeevani booti for Congress today?

K-plan workedout well when Jawaharlal Nehru was the prime minister. A true democratic and a man of thinking of people's welfare. He fully understood the pulse of the people. Now, the scene is completely changed. No Kamaraj here, no jawaharlal here, no true leaders here. Those are the days people respected leaders. Now a days the leaders lost respect of the people. Corruptions, court cases, election etc.,are the subjects now in india. If anyone open again the Kamaraj plan, the congress will not succeed in the forth coming elections.

Poem imagery? I wrote the poem down, can you help me answer the question?

In poetry, much analysis is up to interpretation. Trust your own instincts, and then back up your answer.

Dyed my hair for the first time yesterday..................?

I'm sixteen and I've never dyed my hair with permanent hair color, just temporary ones. So yesterday I decided my naturally dark brown hair with a blondish dye (Loreal Preference Excellence Cream, Dark Beige Blonde). I did this thinking that it would result in a lighter brown, but instead I got red hair. Its not really red but the roots are much lighter than the bottom of my hair and I think I look horrible. First timers mistake I guess. I was ok with it at first, but I just wanna go back to brown again. I was thinking about dying it with an ash brown color from Loreal as well, but I'm not sure if I should do it tomorrow or if I should wait a little while, 2 weeks maybe? Can i just get some opinions and advice? Thanks guys!

I want to do bsc in visual communication,what is the eligibilty criteria and minimum percentage required?

Hey why you going Loyola or some other colleges. Join Manipal University, they giving good job after your education. a href="" rel="nofollow"http://admissions-entrancetests.blogspot…/a

Dream about a Snake bite?

I had a dream about a Green snake that bit me while I was going for a jog. (I remember saying oh its not a dangerous snake, its not poisnosous its a big Garter snake, althought it looked scary) But the bite hurt and struck me fierce and QUICK. After that I went back to my house and the snake was in my room once again it bit me in the same spo t(In The Ankle) The dream ended with me killing the snake by Stepping on it with my shoe.

What is the name of the older thriller movie that appeared on ABC family?

Years ago, my brother and I watched a movie on ABC family & it took place at like a seaside Inn or home. One of the main characters was a scary man and he thought that a pretty young woman that was staying at the Inn (or now living in the house?) was his dead wife.. Near the end of the movie, the man set fire to the old Inn. Also, there was a fierce black dog in the movie. Any ideas what the title of the movie is?

Please explain what in the freezing hell this girl is saying.?

Just ask her man. Don't be afraid and come here to ask your questions, we're not in her mind. If you like her, then go for it. All is fair in love and war.

Why do I never feel good?

I seriously never feel good. I have headaches almost everyday, at least every other day. Whenever I get 8+ hours sleep or even 6+, I feel awful. But if I get 2 or 4 I feel fine and dandy. I'm sixteen, almost seventeen if my age matters. I was depressed a lot and I get those feelings back a lot.. I'm a lot happier now than I was though. I have problems with weight and such, not losing it but with like eating disorder issues - to narrow it down. I used to self-injure. I can't fall asleep at night a lot. If I fall asleep early or even at 10ish I'll wake up at 2 or 3 or something and can't fall asleep again. But yet I'm constantly tired. But sometimes it's not a sleepy tired I guess.. Like I'm just mentally tired 24/7 because my mind goes crazy all the time, but when I get the normal amount of sleep for my age I'm exhausted and I feel horrible and such.

What was it like when you were fourteen?

I remembered being fourteen, considering i'm sixteen. One question i saw said that threy were turning fourteen and wanted the best birthday party ever. Well, Birthday parties were out dated for me, so i just chilled with my friend and we just chilled. Than i remembered what i did as a fourteen year old, I was drinking and smoking, what did you do? Lol

Please help me interpret this poem.?

Oh my God, you have no idea how much I hate this poem. The writer, Dylan Thomas, had a father who got old and weak and frail and was practically dying. So this idiot decided to write an entire poem about how you shouldn't just let yourself die and you should fight to the finish. It's a dumb poem by a dumb poet. So, yeah, that's what it's basically about. It's about never giving up hope for survival and you should fight to survive. Blah, blah, blah, I'm going back to Robert Frost now.

I saw a HUGE *** today!?

I saw this huge booty at the kmart and guess what I did I grabbed it and ran!!!!!!!! I rock. It didn't feel padded either it felt great nice and soft. The girl didn't even chase after me she had to be like 21 and i'm sixteen.

I walked in on them having sex?

no do not tell your parents that's the worst thing you can do it would destroy your relationship with all of them. and there only 5 years apart and that legal in tell both are 18 in which age dose not madder ( though i still find creepy white bigger than 5 gap) i would not tell them you saw them id just say you noted that they seem kind of close lately and ask (probably bro rater than mate) what he thinks. and you cant really blame mate for not coming out he my not be ready to admit that to any one even if he has excepted himself enough to act on it. but ultimately you have to relies if they what to be together there nothing you can really do about it. sorry sweety. but keep in mind you care about theme both and dont judge to harshly

How do I get my degree certificate from madras university?

I had passed my B.Tech. in 2004 but did not collect my degree certificate. I have my mark sheets and provisional certificate, what is the proceedure to collect my degree certificate. Please advice.

When the madras university ug results nov 2010 are coming ?


How to get rid of a 16 yr old stalker that put a relationship in bad repair mode?

Next time you know not to take such young babysitter, you did the right thing. Continue to keep your guard and try to rekindle your family.

On what basis are students admitted to convecation for the UG at Madras university?

Are students of the UG(BA,BSC,B.Com) of Madras university admitted to the convecation automatically after the completion of the course or will their degrees be issued only after they submit their application for the same whenever it may be? What is the date of issue.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Is it normal to somewhat lose your best friend as you get older?

I'm sixteen; so i'm not real old but when my bestfriend and I were growing up; first grade to the middle of ninth grade we were real close. Until we both got boyfriends, but my relationship lasted and hers didn't. I've been with my boyfriend for a year and seven months. Lately i've been wondering if its normal to lose a close friendship because of having a relationship. I love her and I love him as well. But I find myself seeing him alot more than I see her so far this summer, i'm with him probably three times a week and i'm only with her once or she stays all weekend with me at my cabin or salt lake or my aunt. I will always be there for her, but I know she hates my relationship and she doesn't like my boyfriend either. I can't even have them into the same room without him joking with her and her having a fit. I don't blame her not to like him, and I honestly don't care. But I feel like she's only there for me when my boyfriend and I fight or one time we tried to take a break because we were fighting pretty badly that week and I felt she was there for me that week than she was there for me since before I was dating him. I just find myself wanting to just be with him and my family, and I feel like he's my bestfriend because he's always there for me now. Is this normal? Or should I try to be with her more often? I know i'm still young to be devoted to a boy but I am and I don't know if it's good or bad because of my loss of interest in my bestfriend and friends.

Frnds please help me?

Why should you go to IIT Madras for a degree in english.Go to St stephens or miranda house in Delhi.

Are the comedk forms available?also procedure of admi(btech) to madras inst of technology & delhi coll of eng?


Certificate course in French language in Chennai?

Hi, I have done bsc nursing and want to change my line.I'm interested in making french language as a profession and is looking for a certificate course.My graduation is from dr MGR univ. Am I applicable for madras university?How good is distant education course in French as compared to conventional regular course? Other than Anna and Madras Univ any other institute provides certificate courses in french?

About to start masters program and I can't find a job!?

I'm 22 years old and I graduated with a B.S. in Biology in May. I got accepted into a Masters program in Philadelphia and I've been looking for work in the city since I found out about the acceptance in late April. Granted, I'm only 2 months into my job search but I MUST find employment because the program doesn't offer any assistance except for loans, which will just barely cover tuition if i take out the max, forget food and a place to live. I've applied to every lab technician, research assistant and healthcare administrative assistant job in Philly but only had 1 interview so far and didn't get the job (they interviewed 20+ candidates). Competition seems fierce but I don't know if I should apply in a different field entirely and if they would even hire me. Should I start applying in shoe stores/clothing stores/starbucks and other "regular" jobs that don't require my degree? Since its scientific I think I'd be off the radar for other positions. I start school in August so I'm running out of time. Do I ride out the biology storm or get an unrelated job until I earn my Masters???

Where can i get the cutoff list for madras university?

Check Madras University website.... or they can put on the Campus Notice Board. see details: a href="" rel="nofollow"http://admissions-entrancetests.blogspot…/a

Attracting guys in the city(its my birthday please help:)?

I turn sixteen today :) i'm going to the city with friends. I'd like to meet new males because the ones in my area aren't very nice. Anyway i can usually attract them, like i'll be walking down the street and me and my best friend will get called good looking, but when guys say that i usually freeze and don't know what to say. Are they just joking or actually interested? What do i do to get talking to them?sted? What do i do to get talking to them?

Should I get myself pregnant?

I'm sixteen years old, and I'm thinking about getting pregnant. I know that sounds bad, but I am very experienced with kids, and I know what I would be getting myself into, my family fosters children, and I know just about all of the tricks, because I care for most of the younger ones. It makes me so sad when they have to leave. I just love them. My boyfriend is twenty, and treats me like a queen, and I simply adore him for it. I've talked with him about it, and he told me that he would want to have kids, but he is leaving the decision up to me. My mom seems to be encouraging it as well, she had me at 19. I know that the responcability is mine once I make that commitment, not my parents, and not even my boyfriends. It's mine, and I can handle it. Nobody in my family has had to ever work for the sake of money, but I do have a job. As does my boyfriend. I honestly don't have much of a social life, because I am such a reserved person. What do you think?

Scorpio: the most annoying astrology sign?

It's not our fault every Scorpio you've met didn't find you interesting enough to give you the time of day. You bored me with this question, you couldn't even write your own detailed reasons for not liking them, you had to copy and paste it from a website. Small minds entertain small thoughts, apparently.

Whats the point Behind Teen Mom, they get everything from their parents. Being a teen mom is actual hard!?

Okay so i watched the show Teen Mom since it came out, and at Age Sixteen in June of 2010 i made the mistake of getting Pregnant. My mom didn't help me at all she made me pay for everything on my side of the baby stuff. Me and her father are still strong and we love each other lots and care for our son loads, Cody Christopher 3/31/2011. Like their all brats and have rich parents when my mother found out i was pregnant she told me i made a huge mistake and i was gonna have to learn from it, sure she's helped me out with the occasional twenty dollar bill for gas so i can get to work but other they that she doesn't help at all. So what is the point behind Teen Mom? They're not actually showing how hard it is to be a teenaged mother.

I need help with this poem?

There are strong contrasts between the way the poem describes the jaguar and the way it describes the other zoo animals. For one thing, the jaguar gets three stanzas to itself, while all the other animals are crammed together in to just two stanzas. But there's more to it than that. Look at the specific words and phrases that the poem uses to describe the jaguar -- "hurrying enraged," "fierce fuse," "the world rolls," etc. -- and compare those descriptions with the ways in which the poem describes the other animals. The contrasts are pretty noticeable.

Is it wrong to be mad at my brother in this situation?

Homosexuality is a odd thing, and people have different reactions. Your friend might have just felt shy from telling you his sexuality because he's still finding himself. And yes it's okay to feel anger and hurt bEcause they mean alot to you. I recommend you sit them both down and discuss how you feel in the situation

I have a question about AT&T plans?

Okay. Im sixteen years old and I have to buy my own phone for the first time. My old contract ended in November and I was waiting to sign a new contract until I needed a new phone. Im looking at the AT&T ANDROID phones, but I'm not sure which one is best so if you have any opinions on those phones please share. But my main question is that it says the phone costs 49.99 with a two year contract..but what does a two year contract mean exactly? Am I gonna have to pay extra each month? Please give me any information you possess it would help me a lot. I know with the Iphone you have to pay 30 dollars extra each month am I going to have to do that with the Android phone? Please and Thank You.

Madras university (IDE) MCA degree certificate?

please let me know - How long it would take to receive degree certificate from Madras university (IDE)? I completed MCA in May 2010. so far i have received only marksheets & provisonal..

Does this sound like a suitable name?

cathaoir Luxovious Llewelyn sounds like a very unique and suitable name, I am sure anything you choose would be good though!

Which would be a more brilliant business venture?

I don't see the difference in jobs your asking to chose from?? They are both selling sex. I hate to say it but the sexy maid one has already long ago been done. I'm sure either way you'd find people to partake in your games.

What would happen if half the men in society became gay, had no sex drive or not born at all...?

There are still - at the moment anyway - more males than females in the world, due to countries where females are less valued. I don't expect what you say to have -that- much of an affect on gender levels, even in extreme cases it could only level the gender/population out.

Best Campground In Madras, OR? Lake Billy Chanook?

I have spent many days at LBC.Crooked River CG is on the east side where you drive into the lake and across the bridge is the Deschutes CG. There is also Perry South CG which is farther and I would forget about. I'd personally stay at Deschutes. Look at and search The Cove Palisades State Park.

Where do you see the Lions/Bears rivalry going these next few years?

All of a sudden these two teams (well their fans mostly) have really taken on a fierce aggression towards each other. Each believing they can be second in the division and take an NFC Wild Card, and some even talking about taking the division. It seems like the Bears are on the way down with aging talent and the Lions with new, young playmakers are on the way up. Will their be a few years of an intense rivalry between these two teams?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

What are all the songs played in the movie "Sixteen to Life", about the never been kissed Kate?

I watched it, and absolutely ADORED the music. If you could tell me where I could find the soundtrack or tell me what all the songs on the movie are, that would be very helpful.

Should I believe Indian Judicial System when (Ex) Chief Justice of India himself is a liar ?

Morality is falling into decline in every field. Judiciary was never exception to it. It was and it is just the propaganda of Govt. and media that the people of India has high respect towards judiciary and it is free of corruption. If judiciary were free of corruption, we would not have seen corruption in other fields. We should believe our judicial system but should not believe blindly and should not presume that the judges cannot be corrupt. Judges are not Gods and they are not above nation and criticism. Truth cannot be suppressed by denying its existence. Likewise, we cannot improve our judicial system unless we accept that they are many corrupt elements are in existence in judiciary. The people of India has already lost faith in judiciary, the question is how to restore it.

Wats the rank needed in iitjee for securing engineering design dual degree seat in iit madras?

i am writing jee 2011 . wat rank and marks should i attain in jee to have a seat foor dual degree Btech in engineering design and Mtech automotive engineering

Why did he start acting weird when I looked him in the eye?

He's probably drunk? It'd make sense, like once, this drunk guys scooped my friend's breast.....and she slapped him ofc. lol

Help me in GATE preperations?

I'm currently doin my 1st year B.E. Mechanical Engg. under Anna Tech,Chennai. When shud i start preparing 4 d GATE xams? I'm interested in joining M.Tech. Aerospace Engineering in IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur or IIT Madras. So wat rank shud i get 4 dat? Is it necessary 2 take spl coaching? if so, suggest me some excellent coaching centres in chennai. n suggest me some good books 2!!!

Why are my periods so irregular?

I first got my period when I was eleven (Jan. 2007) and they were normal. I waited 28-30 days, and I would menstruate. It would last on average about four days. However, when I was thirteen (Jan, 2009) things started changing. The shortest I would wait for a period is 33 days. I bleed or three or four days, stop, and bleed again off and on for four more days. In February of 2011, I had two periods, none in March, and one again on April 15. I had one in May, and I just got off my period for June. I am fifteen now, and will turn sixteen in October. I am a virgin. Can someone point me in the right direction as to why this happens?

Philadelphia Eagles Question?

When the Eagles faced the NY Giants in New York,they got their asses kicked.In the 4th quarter,the Giants had their period and lost,by that great comeback.Everyone knows the Eagles were ment to lose that game.The next week,the Eagles lost to the Vikings,the team who had a rookie Quarterback starting,a team without Sidney Rice,the defense sacked Vick 6 times,Eagles lose the game,next week the starters are benched,the Wild Card game vs Green Bay,the Eagles again struggled offensively against the Packers and lost.What im basically trying to say is that the Giants set out a "Blueprint" to stop the Eagles fierce offense and even one of the worst teams beat the Eagles and later Packers took them out.The question is,does Andy Reid know that teams now know how to stop Michael Vick by containing him in the pocket and blitzing him from the outside,and also keeping the Wide outs in check?Do you think Andy Reid is aware of this and may have some plans how to keep his offense a top 3 offense in the NFL and still keep defenses struggling to catch Michael Vick,DeSean Jackson,Jeremy Maclin,and LeSean McCoy?Because it is possible that all 31 teams will copycat what the Giants did and maybe try to improve it,because the Eagles are one of those teams that have a mark on their head because they get a lot of hype nowadays.

Why do deep see fish look like something out off a horror movie?

Most or all of the characteristics of deep sea fish are adaptations to their unusual environment, and have nothing to do with making them "look scary". They have to do with catching prey in an underpopulated part of the ocean, eating things bigger than they are, and so on. We mostly think of them as freaky-looking because we're more used to surface fish.

Who should I use for my job application references?

I'm sixteen and I'm filling out my first job application for Barnes and Noble. I had a summer job last year, but it was for my friend's dad and he just sorta hired me. I need three references (aside from my past job) and I'm not completely sure who to use. As it's summer, there is only one teacher I would be able to contact because I have her number from tennis. Would it be appropriate to use my best friend's mom? Any ideas of people in general it would be appropriate for me to use?

Music for a jazz dance?

I really need some fierce, exciting, powerful music for a dance I'm choreographing. It's for a girls duet that is jazz/contemporary. It needs to be mostly fast, but I also really like music that changes tempo, sounds, etc. throughout. The song doesn't necessarily have to have words, really anything's fine. I'm open to anything you suggest! These are very talented girls that I want to give a challenging piece to, and to do that I need some really great music! Thank you! :)

Father Daughter Dance Songs 2011?

Im going to dance with my dad at my sweet sixteen & im looking for songs by artists like miley cyrus or something. Im thinking of doing "I learned from you" By miley & billy ray cyrus/ Please Help!!

What would you rate this story? ( long please read)?

It is a very good story, and I hope you stick with it. There are a lot of grammar errors, and I would like to know the main character's name as well. Another thing I wanted to know, was what were the "clears", and why did they pick your main character to beacome one?

How is the beginning of my story?!?!?

After the first sentence, my seat belt was unfastened, after the second, I already jumped out of the car.

What is a good catch slogan for sophomore shirts?

My friends and i are trying to come up with a good quote for our t shirts for the upcoming year. Last year we had freshman on the front and then on the back it said "fine FRESH fierce, we got it on lock". from California Girls. It would be awesome if you could get one out of a song but if not then thats cool too. So please help, thanks! :)

Humanities courses in IIT?

Do IITs offer humanities courses? I know about HSEE of IIT Madras . Are there any other IITs which offer graduation / integrated MA courses in humanities disciplines? Pls give details..........

Small Sweet Sixteen Ideas?

Ok. so my sweet sixteen is coming up and im trying to think of things to do. the party will have around 5 or so people cause i want it to be small and so far i have cupcake decortaing, 90's themed music and movies, and dinner at a restaurant, but i need an activity. my friend did nails for hers so thats out and another did a mall scavenger hunt and my other friend is gonna have a tea party type thing. i was thinking of doing something little kid themed like build a bear or something like that. but i would like other ideas. i live around san francisco so if that helps with any ideas i would really appreciate it! thanks!

How can we know the Status of Booked Gas ?

Now gas agencys have to give cylinder according to the number booked, they can not sell like before. May be because u received late due to short supply, if u want to know the position u have to go to the agency office, no one will answer the phone.

Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?

Wow. Your family sounds ****** up. I think you should find friends how have no idea who Valentina is. You can have a fresh start. Also your only 4 years away from adulthood, you can start planning to get the hell out of there, I no I would.

Am i being haunted by a demon? am i safe?

Okay first off I'm not some teenager who has watched paranormal activity to many times, so don't give me that. Second, I am very not religous I do not really believe in god but I do have enough fear to be worried. Since I was thirteen I have been living in the bacement of my home. I am now sixteen, every night I must be asleep by three a.m or I will hear sounds of running, wispers seeming to be in either german or russan, and more recently I have been crossed with a smell of sulfer in my home which is odd as I live on a canadian country front. Their are no factories around my home. At age fourteen, two years ago, I blessed my bedroom in hopes to keep them out. I have a sence of security in my room. Could this be a demon? Is my room really safe? If it is what can I do?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Open university UG degree is valid for govt jobs?

open university UG degree (Madras univ) is valid for govt jobs? can i apply for govt jobs? is this degree is valuable?

Can I access my Gmail account on a school computer?

I go to Madras College (Kilrymont) in St Andrews, and I need to email an essay I have written to myself and then open it at school so I can print it off. I do not know what program my school uses to block sites, just give me an idea of what a typical answer would be.

What he try to say and what are the important issue?

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of Now. This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism. Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God's children.It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the *****'s legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.

Why didn't he tell me he was gay?

Well, i think you should chill first off. If they want to be together, so be it. You're just going to have to deal with it. Obviously you don't want to lose your friend, or think any different about your brother. Calm down and sit them both down and talk to them. Tell them how it made you feel. Don't bring the 'rents in it. They don't need to hear about this. But just take a breather, and talk it out.

The best way to lose fat in thighs, legs, stomach, and underarms?

I'm sixteen, female, between 5'5 and 5'6 and around 114lbs. I'm not necessarily fat, but I do have some extra pounds I'd like to drop, specifically fat in my thighs, legs, stomach, and even my underarms. No, not my actual arms, but the area around my armpit. I know it might sound weird, but I've always had a small amount of loose skin there that folds over and looks strange in tank tops and such. Exercises, diet plans, everything you have. I've already started cutting down on things such as soda and adding extra salt, I just need a few tips and good exercises to start doing. I'd prefer to have all this lost by the time I start school school again (so around mid-August). Thanks for all the help. (:

Finding ways to cope...?

Is there another family member who would take you in? Maybe you could go stay with your gparents during the weekend? Good luck

Which engineering branch to choose?? Chemical or Aerospace...?

Chemical engineering should be your obvious choice as it excites you. Stick to your decision and force your parents to agree. You shouldn't give yourself any chances to regret your actions later in life.

Can someone please rate my yu-gi-oh deck from yu-gi-oh gx spirit caller?

If u want a deck that can work with dragons, theen take out some of the cards that don't have anything to do with it. Sure I put in 4-5 non-dragon cards, But way to many Non-Dragon cards comared to a dragon deck.

Would Polo plaid shoes be ok with shorts for men?

I was wondering if plaid/madras canvas Polo shoes would be ok with flat front plain shorts from the gap or banana republic?

Απόψε είναι βαριά: Please give your opinion on this poem...?

I love the inclusion of the other language. Being bilingual allows for more fluid and versatile story telling. This is beautiful.

What to get a sixteen year old girl for her birthday?

i'm 15 and i have a cousin that would be sixteen july 4th (awesome). she wants a navel ring but it's just too much that i can afford. any ideas?


I am a 16 year old girl and me and my mother's relationship is on thin ice, most people would say this is normal but I don't think so, not to this extent. It all started when I was about 7, my mother and father both enjoy alcohol and that often lead to fierce arguments, sometimes it even got physical. After my father would leave my mother would often yell at me and call me names and hit me, one time she made me sleep on the floor because she said that I was just like my father though I had did nothing. She even threatened to kill me if my father didn't come and remove me from her house, but my father is almost permanently unemployed so even if he would take me for a few days I always had to come back. Now it's a little different, they no longer speak and she just sits on the computer all day drinking beer and tequila and when she gets drunk everything is my fault once again, and I mean everything, she started screaming at me because my aunt asked her for money, she was mad because she had given money to MY people. One day she was looking for a knife and the knife she wanted was one that I had been using to cut limes, she started going crazy saying that it was strange that I had the knife and how if I wanted to take her out she would kill me first and all this other nonsense. I love my mother and I know she works hard but why am I responsible for everything, what should I do, I'm really beginning to despise her. Oh and while she's on the computer all day it's me and my younger sisters responsibility to clean the house and cook, everything that she should have some part in, we do. Once again what should I do, I don't trust her at all, sometimes I don't even feel safe in this house.


its probably because he misses her and simply wants to see what she looks like naked again because hes simply tired and sad that he hasnt seen her body in a while, its fine while its done in a relationship, but if a guy asks for it before you even start to go out, well then it shows that they're a bit of a perv/just plain out strange. I have never asked a girl for nudes, i usually just wait until we actually 'get together', one time i had a long distance relationship but she was the one who encouraged me to receive nude skype calls from her (i was never nude she would just strip down half way through the call and then change again) she said she did it to keep the relationship going and in a way made we really want to see her soon.

I was told once you turn sixteen, if you dont have your permit you can go to the dmv and take both tests?

and walk out with you license... as long as you have a parent there to verify that you have at least six months of driving experience... is this true?

What to do when you break up with someone you love?

I'm only sixteen blah blah to young to love. Well I have been with this boy for three and a half years middle school and highschool. I love him very much and I thought he loved me but the reason I broke up with him is I don't think he is loyal because he has cheated on me once and swore not to do it again but also lies to me alot. I can't trust him so I wanted to end it. I'm a mess though because I love him and I'm having second thoughts maybe I shouldn't have. HELP?

Im writing a book and there are many loud screeches in it from these aliens... How would I write the screech?

Just say the aliens screeched. "The fierce screech lasted around 30 seconds, drowning out everyone else's voice." Why make things complicated? You don't want to do SCREEEEECH, because it's unprofessional. Sometimes you can get away with that in kids books, but normally people get annoyed with it.

16 years old- getting birth control-what papers will I need?

U can go to ur doctors actually n have a confidential account n ur parents wont find out as long as u pay cash..... i did it

Best PHP training center in chennai with placement services?

My bro did a degree in computers in Singapore, he will be moving to Chennai (madras) this month for PHP computer course. Does any one suggest good best training centers or institutes for PHP MySQL and can provide part time jobs?

Do you expect your parents to take your side and believe everything you say when you get in trouble at school?

One of the problems we hear about are "over the top Uber parents" who take on teachers, administrators and even kid's bosses when their child says they are having problems. They are fierce and frightening in their desire that their child should succeed in everything and if the kid doesn't it is someone elses fault.

How much will car insurance be for a sixteen year old girl who lives in California?

My parents don't have the money (plus they don't want to) to pay for my insurance, so even though i'm turning seventeen this year, I still don't have my license. I'm trying to get a job, though, and was wondering if anyone could give me a ballpark for how much it'll cost a year...I get good grades, I know some places will give you discounts if you have good yeah. :)

Why are Russian women so fierce?!?

If by fierce you mean lovely, self confident and loyal. Then the answer is easy, that is the way they were raised. They are all of the above and more.

What are some fun things to do when you're with a friend and grounded?

My best friend is in town visiting and staying with me for a week. But today, I got grounded and so we're not allowed to go anywhere or have people over. My friend has her phone but my Mom took mine. Soooo.... Any ideas on some fun things to do? We do NOT wanna read or write haha it's just not our thing. We're sixteen if that helps at all.

I had sex with my boyfriend now he acts like a perv how do i tell him to quit it without hurting his feelings?

im 13 and he is sixteen and i love him and we plan to get married but how do i tell him to quit being a pervert without hurting his feelings

What are good ideas for couture party theme?

Cupcakes are an obvious because you can get each one to have a diffrent label on it (louis vuitton, gucci, juicy couture, and dooney and burke...) also cake pops are super cute! i would say, tea sandwitches, maybe a "create your couture ice cream sundae bar" with toppings like sprinkles, luster dust (its like glitter for cupcakes and desserts) candy (gummy bears, choclate covered raisins, whoppers, and other candys) cerel, fresh colorful fruit, and the bowls they use for there sundaes could be in the shape of a purse or shoe or something! also sushi is always delicious and seems higher fashion than say pizza or tacos lol :)

<3 Sweet sixteen ideas? <3?

my party will be in October. I want to have anywhere from 20-100 people at my party. I still need a theme for my party too. I was going to rent a club for my party but i thought people might get tired of dancing and then there would be nothing to do and people would get bored. This will be the last party i get to have so i want it to be awesome!!! :D any ideas???

What would you rate this story? ( long please read)?

It is a very good story, and I hope you stick with it. There are a lot of grammar errors, and I would like to know the main character's name as well. Another thing I wanted to know, was what were the "clears", and why did they pick your main character to beacome one?

Is MBA dept at madras university at chepauk lenient?

80% not daily sometimes weekly / fortnightly. not strict but u would be expected to be around. schedule is strict. absence will be noticed and will be called up

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What should I ask for for my birthday?

My birthday is tomorrow and I don't know what to ask for, one of my brothers got a new itouch for his birthday and another got an iphone, I have no need for either of these because i have a phone and an ipod. Since I'm turning sixteen (and a car is out of the question) I thought I might try my luck asking for something over $20

Any fun ideas for inexpensive sweet sixteen?!??!?

I really want to throw a fun sweet party!I only have 10 close friends that I want to invite,so I don't want to throw a party that is really fancy. I was thinking to throw the party at my house,but I am not sure if it would be fun or not for my friends. At my house we have a wii,a x-box kinetic,a ping pong table/also a pool table,an air hockey machine,and a pool (to swim in)...Do you think all those things would be fun enough for a good party?!!? ( and of course I would have food and gift bags to give out.I also need an idea for game that we all can play , because I have want to give out a prize to the winner/ top 3 winners. Any other ideas for a party that is inexpensive (up to $200 )would be great. Thanks <3

Does any one know about the madras hindu religon i would appreacite it if you give me some info about it?

There is no madras hindu religion. if you want to know about hinduism, you need to be more specific with your question so people would find it easier to answer.

Confused in application procedure among 2 colleges of university of madras?

hey, i wanto apply for master of social work in "madras school of social work" and "loyola college". and i have done from university of mumbai and now residing in north india, uttarakhand. the problem is, first college is asking for transference certificate along with application and second one for eligibility certificate. does that mean i need to get migration from mumbai university. in case i do not get admitted in any of these 2, then i ll havto get new one made from mumbai univ for that college. i called university of madras, they said i need a provisional certificate along with mi marksheets to apply for eligibility. now whats that? im so damn confused and running out of time. please anibodi having a slightest idea, enlighten me !

Would a fierce preditor mimic another organism provide an example?

S. American crab spiders (Strophius nigricans) are the size and color of carpenter ants, their prey. The spider carries a dead ant exoskeleton while simulating an ants zig zag pattern of foraging. The spider looks and smells like an ant to spider predators that avoid ants while letting the spider approach more prey ants.

I want study software engineering courses?

hi am yasotha i completed BA ECONOMICS in regular QUEEN MARRYS COLLEGE and MBA HR in distance education of madras university now i want like to study software engineering im eligible are not which courses is better for me

Any Sweet SIXTEEN Ideas ?! :)?

Ok, So I'll be turning 16 in August! I have a couple of months to plan. The only thing is, I've had my mind set on having a big hugeee party since I was 13! But now i'm not so sure anymore. What if it doesn't turn out the way I want it to? What if no one shows up? Thenn.. My birthday is gonna be ruined & im not sure if i wanna take that risk. Soooo, Is there any other good ideas that i can do to celebrate my 16th birthday? I mean.. Something FUN, & EXCITING! I'll invite some friends to whatever I do.. I just need ideas on WHAT to do! Lol, Any suggestions are greatly appreciated :) Thanks..

Can somebody help with BBA Operational Research Question Papers?

I Need BBA Operational Research Question Papers of Madras University. Can somebody help with the details?

Where can i find some cute flats?

I found a great shoe store in Montreal two weeks ago but I can't remember the name. Arrg I usually wear flats or pumps at the most. The second pair's cute but too young for me. Sorry, I didn't answer your question did I? I just saw the word flats and had to look. Good luck.

Is BSc astrophysics course offered at madras university? if so how can I apply for it?

I dont think madras university is offering B.Sc Astro. 4 dat, u hav 2 write IISc's entrance examination. IISc Bangalore is offering B.Sc Astrophysics. or else go for IIST Trivandrum which offers B.Tech. (Physical Sciences) with space applications in the areas of Astronomy, Earth System Science, Chemical Systems, Astrophysics, Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing.

Relationship advice :)?

So there is this boy i like and we were totally flirting at my birthday party in may so i asked him to the graduation dance(i'm in 9th grade now) and we went as friends cause he isn't allowed to date until hes sixteen(were both 14). well anyway we both like each other and we text everyday. but were not going out because he isn't allowed to. but we would both like to well anyway we don't hold hands or anything but whats our relationship classified as? and i don't want to date anyone else but him lol so don't suggest that but where do we go from here?

Travel in Tamil Nadu and Kerala,?

Dear Pamela my best suugestion would for a simple reason as here you are connected to 4 travel agents. as a traveller, you have the authority to pick the best travel agent you would want to travel with. This in a way is immensely helpful for travellers who are coming to India for first time

What is madras hinduism?

I have been looking into my family history and have found out that my great great grandmother was from Chennai and moved to Jamaica. She was a Madras Hindu. Can someone explain?

Is metallurgy is an good option for iit madras?

hey how can u let IIT go frm ur hands? IIT is a big big brand name. no matter what branch u get. my brother also got metallurgy branch in IIT kanpur n hez well settled now. no matter what ur branch is, u'll bbe working with an IT company atlast :)

Seniors, did you ever own madras shorts/shirts during your "preppy dressing" days?

In the summer, we wore Villager shirtwaist dresses made of very lightweight cotton with tiny prints, tiny tucks down the front....but, to the dismay of my mother who hated them because they "bled", we also loved madras shirts and shorts...I even remember owning PATCHWORK madras shorts!! With bare feet stuffed into Weejun loafers or topsiders, too!

GIRLS ONLY! please help?

so, i want to begin to use tampons, and i've never used them before. i'm sixteen and i'm wondering if someone can give me some tips on your first time....something? and also since this is my first time, what type of brand and type of tampon i should buy, i think i heard something about them having a different type of aplicator? well, thanks in advance!

Can I do my Ph.D work in structural biology?

can I do my Ph.D work in structural biology? and what are the countries available for continuing this Ph.D? and the madras university is best for this or not?

My son was arrested and he wet his pants because the cops didn't let him use the bathroom?

Do you realize that four counts of vehicular manslaughter means he killed four people with his car? I think he violated much more. You need to find the families of the people that he killed and offer your apologies and support. Don't worry about your son, he made an adult choice, and now has to face it as an adult. Mommy can't save him anymore.

Why won't my mom let me get a pet rat?

I'm a sixteen year old girl. I have two dogs, and I've had guinea pigs for a while now, but my last one just died ='(. When I first got him (as a friend for one who's friend had died), my mom said he would be my last small furry pet for a while. I agreed, but I just lost my two piggies within two months of each other, both from untreatable conditions, and I REALLY, REALLY miss them ='(. I've always taken great care of them. Our vet even said they had a job waiting for me there if I ever wanted it because she noticed my special love for animals, even though I'm not old enough to work there yet and I hadn't asked about a job. Anyway, right now I'm pet sitting for a friend who has rats, and they seem so friendly and happy and cute and playful and fun and...I could go on for hours. I love the way they climb around like little monkeys and groom my fingers when I stick them through the bars of the cage. Anyway, I really want one, but my mom won't even tell me why I can't get another pet. She said even if I wanted another guinea pig, she wouldn't let me--and believe me, she loved my old piggies. So why won't she let me get another pet? She refuses to even explain why I can't have another. All she says is that we're just done with them, and I don't understand.

Anxieties about parenting in the future due to condition?

aww you sound very sweet. i hope you find someone to love and children to take care of. you can truly do anything you set your mind to

Eyes are reddish - why..............?

May be becoz of insufficient sleep or too much watching TV. Or ur frnd is right. Get ur eyes for checkup.

Hit a car in my driveway?

It will cost way more than any premium increase on your insurance. Keep in mind, not only must you pay for your own damage, you must also pay for the truck's damage. And a rental car for the owner of the truck while his vehicle is in the shop.

WIll my boyfriend leave me?

You're only 16... If he doesn't leave you, you'll still split at some point... You got a lot of livin to do yet!!!

Is this a good use of Shakespearean language?

it is really good and i understand it which is good. i love shakespeare, maybe you are the next one... :)

Choreography music like Sonya Tayeh uses?

I'm choreographing three dance pieces. All are contemporary jazz pieces (leaning more on the jazz side). One is a girls duet, one is a girl/boy duet, and another is a girl's solo. I need some fierce, kinda different music for all of them, like the type that Sonya Tayeh (from SYTYCD) uses. I really love her music choice, but I have a hard time finding things like it. I would love tons of suggestions of either songs, artists, or places that I can find cool music like that! Thank you so much! :)

What is a german sweet sixteen?

When an american turns 16 it's call a sweet sixteen but what is it called for the germans and what do they do at the party.

How to shift from looking?

Okay so, obv I'm growing outta the scene kid phase, I'm sixteen and yeahhh. Anyway, I pretty much dontt wanna look like a sceenie weenie anymore atall whatsoever so I'm growing my hair out + stuff like that, but right now mainly I'm just looking for advice, this may sound stupid but can you give me names of stores like victorias secret pink , NOT preppy azz stores like hollister where they're clothes are intended to be frilly + pretty, I guess the look I'm aiming for is like a stereotypical stoner white girl who is girly and kinda b*tchy, and somewhat attemps to be ghetto , idk how to describe it but can you explain to me also what kinda clothes I should be looking for? Like yoga pants and sweatpants obv and uggs but what kinda other stuff? And what are good stores like vs pink ? Plz helpp


I've had a bit of experience with this, I have had gf's in the past that have send me some "interesting" photo's. I find it to be a really nice gesture and if you haven't seen each other in a while and it can really spice things up. However the one thing I have never done is asked for dirty photo's, I find it a bit creepy to ask but with long distance maybe its different as it is alot more difficult to see each other its nice to have some sexy momento's.

Friends please help me?

Once you complete IIT, jobs will follow you. You do not have to worry about job now. Concentrate on studies. Improve your English grammar and composition first. Good Luck

Do you think people will make fun of me if I dress like this at my new school... (Picture)?

Ok to be honest yes it's a little weird, but don't go out and buy a bunch of things to "dress to impress" just be yourself because true friends like you for your personality not because of the outside appearance.

I am having a sweet sixteen nyc theme?

i do not have a huge budget. i only have 150 dollars to work with. the party will be in my huge back yard. the budget does not include food or drinks. any ideas on what cool decorations or anything that could make my party awesome. the theme is nyc btw

Another idea to describe the greasers from The Outsiders?

I am writing an essay and i describe the greasers and their differences from the Socs. I said that they had greasy hair, leather jackets, and i dont know what a third idea should be. For the socs i put that they have madras, money, and mustangs (as an example). I need help finding a third idea for the greasers description!! REAL ANSWERS! thank you!

How do i get rid of my pigeon chest?

Hey guys this is John and I have a pigeon chest where part of my chest sticks out more than the other. I'm sixteen years old and I'm on the swimming team so whenever I take off my shirt I hear some crucial remarks. I can't afford bracing or surgery please help.

Am I fat at 175 cm tall and 83 kg?

Okay, I'm a sixteen year old kid and I was playing Starcraft II with my friends and we wound up playing against this team of guys who were absolute jerks and then eventually they started calling us fat. I put in my height and weight and then they started laughing and saying that was fat. I never thought myself as fat and I've never been this self conscious before, so were these guys right to think me as fat? Or were they just trying to put us down in game?

How can I deal with this annoying girl?

When she tells you you look pretty, tell her this: "I know, that's why I dressed myself this way."

Can A Delhi Registration Car Be Driven In Tamil Nadu if I plan to Buy one for my parents living @ Madras?

As per rule, you cann't drive. Because your car's registration is from Delhi and you have paid the tax to Delhi. You will have to make a registration in Madras and their registration(tax) system may be difference.

Is this proper latin?

Dux Ducis de Gens Acer if you could tell me what it means that'd be great i think it means leader of team Acer (sharp, keen, fierce)

Migration Certificate From Madras University.?

I had taken admission to First Year In a City college in Chennai.Due to Transfer, will be shifting to Mumbai.My query is ,Transfer Certificate ORIGINAL will be Submitted in Madras University for issuing MIGRATION certificate.Will Xerox Attested copies of TC be accepted in Mumbai College and what is the time taken to issue the MIGRATION CERTIFICATE by Madras University.

Is it possible to get previous years madras university question papers for bsc maths?

Most of the universities keep a copies of old question papers for their library .Also some universities do sell these old question papers for students reference , so please enquire in the university office ,hope fully you may find some.

Could someone please proof read my essay?

I don't know much about this but maybe you should include the other side of the story ( i.e. why the socs aren't more of a disgrace...)???

After you spent the night with someone, what happens then?

I wouldn't trust him because he probably make out the other girl maybe that why he didn't ask for your number.

The trading of real estate risk in the derivative market is what did in the economy?

You're concentrating on symptoms of the problem rather than the root cause. The market is usually the 'scape goat' of a failed government policy or institution, especially when politicians are leading the charge.

I hate my dad. I don't know what to do?

My dad just gets on my nerves something fierce. He's rude, and loud and thinks he's funny, but he's not. We just don't get along. I fight with him almost every time I go to his house, but he still won't let me live at my mom's and spend a couple of days with him every once and a while. My mom always says that she wished I could live with her all the time, but whenever I ask her she gets pissed off and tells me that I have to live at my dad's too. I don't know what to do. I'm so depressed there and I actually hate life when I'm at my dad's. I know that sounds immature, but I've just had enough. I hate living there and I hate him. I just don't know.

I want to get married so badly,am I the only one who is feeling like this?

You are very young - give yourself time to discover WHO you are before giving yourself to a marriage. The better you know yourself, and the more adventures you have as a single woman, the better the chances are that you will be able to recognize 'the one' when he comes along, and you won't have regrets that you didn't have a life of your own - away from parents - before entering a life with another human being.

Help with my Warrior Synchro deck?

Dump this deck and make a new top tier deck, Not trying to be mean but this deck cant win any at my locals

In New Jersey can my parents teach me how to drive?

im sixteen and i passed the written test. what do i need to do to have my parents teach me with the states approval?


Ask your dad if he can take you to a therapist so she can give you advice you should ask her if you could see a doctor to prescribe you medicine for depression and then tell your mom your getting help or if there's a hospital called NIX it can really help you with your problem. I wouldn't recommend it just yet because that's when things get uncontrollable. Good luck sweetie

How to reach Madras Veterinary College coming from Pondicherry?

There are some regular trains coming up to Chennai Egmore and from Egmore the veterinary college is hardly 2 kms.Access from central ic congestion free as told earlier.

Monday, July 18, 2011

How can I convince my mom to support me in my marriage?

Just show her how responsible you are and how mature you are. Now that you're going to be married, you'll be financially independent and won't be relying on her for anything other than emotional support. Just show her how you'll be paying for your own college and room and board, car, etc. and she'll start to realize that you really have grown up and are ready to be making these kinds of decisions.

My boy friend is avoiding me now a days saying that his parents won't accept a gal from other caste..?

sorry, but he is not your boyfriend anymore . . . it's hard but you have to understand he made a decision and it wasn't you . . .h'e just playing games, stop contacting him and move on - if he was serious - he would ask his parents . . .

I need a friend to talk to?

Ah hi, i am in a lot of stress at the moment and i cant... i try... look i just feel like giving up! im married 3 years now to a woman i loved the moment i set eyes on. but we have gone through so much in our lives i am with her 10 years this july and all of our life so far has been so good,but now i think i am at the verge of collapsing we are blessed with two beautiful children their twins and reach there first birthday this august .my wife has become ill with a mental illness called Schizophrenia if you havent heard of it this affect mind etc and has voices only she hears it was very strong on her side of the family and unfortuantely she has under pressure big time because she has mental confusion she sees things hears things and tells me im not her husband that she is married already and has four children (None of this true it has to do with her illness) and says her children are not hers either that they were left here .I spend so much of my time in dark rooms at night just thinking i feel lost .i look down at the two most beautiful babies that we had together and hurt she cannot share the experience with me. i have to mind her like a child because she could do self harm because this illness is dangerous im under fierce pressure with office work and the minding the twins.we sleep in seperate rooms and she wont let me near her.she is on medication for the illness .i have no help because i lost my parents when i was young and i dont speak with my brother and friends i have lost since i became almost a full time work baby holic...i feel alone i just cant describe it.BUT i want to make myself clear i do not blame my wife at all! it is none of her fault at all and i love her more and more .i just really needed someway to express my thoughts and feeling at this moment because i need someone to talk to i cant lose my wife i wish i just wish she remembered who i was.

Oh, Just kiss me you fool! Question?

If you know he doesn't have a girl friend and he isn't gay then you need to kiss him first. Play wrestling is always a good lead in to this move.

Ideas for a one year anniversary gift?

If you are unsure what kind of gifts to get then you can check out some online gift stores. There is one store that I found that has a whole bunch of unique gift items, electronics, gadgets, keychains, and other interesting items. I bought a few things from them and the people I gave it to like it a lot. I even bought some for myself since some of the stuff is so fun to play with. The stuff there is pretty cheap. They also have free shipping and they deliver fast. You can visit this store at a href="" rel="nofollow"

Can I mix two Curry Sauces?

Yesterday I bought some of the Lloyd Grossman curry sauces and I bought four, as they are on offer. I decided to use the Dopiaza and mixed it with 300g of left over chicken from a Sunday roast. When I mixed the chicken into the sauce, I ended up with all chicken and no sauce, which is going to be really dry! :( So, I thought about using half a jar of one of the other sauces I bought? I've got Korma, Madras and Bhuna. Which do you think would go best with the Dopiaza? I know this means I will have to waste half a jar of sauce, as it won't keep. But, at least this curry tonight won't be horrible and dry. I did go by how much chicken it says to use on the jar, but for some reason, it just looks way too much!

Do you think flash mobs orhanised by affected businesses will block the elite routes to the 2012 Olympic Games?

The fierce restrictions on the use of certain roads around London will interfere with business in serious ways. It seems the Olympic Games organisers thinks can do what they want. Maybe they should know well in advance just how much Londoners will put up with.

Has anyone heard of this Victoria's Secret fragrance?

I was at the Bath & Body Works Semi-Annual Sale, and in the PINK section, there was a fragrance called 'Fresh & Fierce'. Has anyone else heard of this? I looked it up and all that I found was 'Fresh & Clean' and Abercrombie & Fitch 'Fierce' cologne.

My horse is just 6 year old gelding he got retirement in racing just a month earlier he is very hard mouth ?

and also dis obey to turn right or left and i am doing my riding in madras riding school. wt can i do to make it softer?

What is the advantages and disadvantages for a member of local stock exchanges?

i am sub broker of NSE thru a reputed member. I planned to join a member of Madras Stock Exchange and trade in NSE terminal. I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of the same?

What are money making ways other than being employed?

hmm, well there is always internet marketing witch takes about 2 years to earn a steady income, But if its quick money you want then here is a site that has sent me 3 $500 pre paid visa cards in the last 2 weeks and I have 2 more in the mail coming, just copy and paste this link.

I really hate my dad?

Be strong. Try to be independent and most importantly financially independent and get ur freedom and ur nice life back...

Is it time to change the name of India to Hindusthan/Bharatha?

The names of cities in India are changed in recent times Like Delhi, Bombay, Madras and Calcutta for some or other reasons. Is it not time that India' name is officially changed to Hindusthan or Bharatha ?

How can i get a consoldated mark list from University of Madras.?

I am a 2010 passed out Physics student of Madras University (Regular). I had lost my first semester mark-list. And i till more have arrears to be completed. So i think it will come around 8 to 9 mark-list in total. What is the procedure to get a consolidated mark-list from the Madras University.?

Need help on creative writing easy 10 points?

I really need help on a creative writing piece, I can think of really good techniques, e.g. Isolation surrounds me, or the fierce zephyr colliding against my chest, but I literally cannot write a good story/creative writing piece, I can think of the techniques but I can't take it towards my advantage to write a good piece, BTW, I have to write it about a song, which makes it even more harder. All I need to know is how to write it, in a way that it will make sence. Easy 10 points please help.

Is there problems with using saltwater reels in freshwater?

I want to get a Penn fierce and I was wondering what's the big difference between fresh and salt water reels?

What's the title of this book?

It has a sixteen year old girl and she has to go to a fancy ball where they get to eat proper food for the first time in forever and then at the ball they get matched with the person they will marry and fall in love with and she gets her best friend (Which never really happens) and then she gets send a chip about the person who she is matched with and another persons face pops up and she knows that person too. Then over the summer she does a hiking course and she becomes friends with the person that wasn't meant to pop up on the screen and she starts to fall in love. Her dad works at a recycle plant or something like that and her grandfather dies during the story and a lot of books are banned in their area but she has this poem that her grandfather gave her that she loves. It's sort of set after a massive war and it's set in the future.... Any help would be great! Thanks :)

Any good movies? Like for teens?

First off, "(500) Days of Summer", "Juno", "Easy A", and "Inception" were very good films. Hmm. Personal favorites? "Up In the Air", "Inglorious Bastards", oh and if there is a particular actor or actress that you really admire, and if you're really into film, you should check out some of their favorite films.

Anyone joinint M. Tech at IIT Madras this year?

Hi.. I'm joining M.Tech at IIT Madras this year on July. Anyone here joining IIT M? please reply with ur contacts..

Can I swim with great white sharks?

I would like to dive with the ocean's biggest and fiercest predatory fish; not inside a shark cage. Is it possible to do this safely? I know that if you make yourself clearly visible to a great white, they will understand that you are not a seal and will not attack you but...are they at all unpredictable? Could it possibly mistake me for a potential predator (even though the only natural predators of great whites are killer whales/orcas)? Sharks are my passion and I'd really like to befriend and interact with a great white shark.

Do you think flash mobs orhanised by affected businesses will block the elite routes to the 2012 Olympic Games?

The fierce restrictions on the use of certain roads around London will interfere with business in serious ways. It seems the Olympic Games organisers thinks can do what they want. Maybe they should know well in advance just how much Londoners will put up with.

What do you think of the start of my story?

Wow... your writing is beautiful! It flows to perfectly together, it left me wanting to read more. I'd definitely pay to read this story. In an interesting setting too, I'm assuming based on the underworld of Melbourne (my favourite city). Wonderful, keep it up you have a real talent!

How much is my book worth?

The inscription, while pretty cool, is probably less important than the edition and, especially, the overall condition. Since it was inscribed in 1859, it's almost certainly a first edition, but I can't say for sure that it's a "true first edition," which means first edition and first printing. I believe it was first printed by Bradbury and Evans in London, so you should look for that information in the first pages. If it's a first edition and in good condition, then it's probably worth a decent amount of money, but I'm not an expert myself, so you should bring it to the nearest rare book dealer in you area for an appraisal and possibly a sale.

Dear Sixteen year-old me...?

Dear 16 year old me, get over yourself. Stop moaning. Get on with it. You're quite lucky and the sooner you realize this, the better. In a few years time, you'll be kicking yourself for all the life you missed out on while you were too busy complaining.

How can i reverse this spell?

ok last month (i am a sixteen year old living with my parents and my siblings)i made a(accidental) conjure bag spell to my mother for her to fall in love with the country shes in (UK) by writing make my my mom fall in love with the country shes in.. on a peice of paper and wrapping it in a scroll now i put it in a conjure bag made of black velvet to keep it safe but the conjure bag had a sea rock in i was supposed to make this spell in florida coz we were going there on holiday and i hate the life of the UK so then it is cast but i dont realize it and when each time mom tries to leave she gets rejected each place she goes and one day she called her pshycic and the phycic said there is a little witch living with you and that witch cast a spell to make you fall in love with uk soil now its aa very dangerous spell coz it will never let you and your soil leave uk mom wonders ho is this witch? now i am looking for a way to reverse this coz it was an accident and we are trying to leave the country but we keep getting rejected.

Online Friends/Gamers?

There is nothing wrong with that. You are probably wondering who you are really playing against. But no I never wonder who the people I'm friends with online really are.

Do you agree with this description of Andrea Dworkin?

No. She single-handedly managed to damage the reputation of feminists more than any anti-feminist or MRA could have dreamed of doing. Her statements of ignorance and hatred will be used as reasons to dislike feminism for years to come. Hmmmp, I suppose I should thank her........

Is it true that only looks matter?

No, not only looks matter. You can't get through life depending only on looks. You won't be able to get a job, because no company want someone that only cares about looks. True beauty is on the inside, not out. If you are beautiful on the inside, and you are smart and independent, you can go far.

Who is your First friend? Where do you find Him / Her? Is He/ She Alive?

Well, my first friend was really my older sister. :p But outside of my family, I met my first true friend when I was 7. We met at a co-ed group kind of thing. We're still best friends to this day, although she moved away a few months ago. :(

Any advice for a girl that is jealous of her cousin?

ohhhh , I know how you feel,I don't rlly know wt to tell you,but why don't you talk with them abt thatsay all what u wrote here to them,make an END to dis,cz dis is so freakin annoying,i feel sad for ya,all you have to do in my opinion is to talk with them..tell ur parents! and plz dont get jealous from ur causins its not thier faults (: tc

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Do you float through life or wear battle gear?

I try to be well prepared amd not be aan air-head, but im not perfect and sometimes i make stupid decisions ...............

Asking about a summer job?

Im fifteen, gonna be sixteen soon, don't plan on working this summer but would like to take a 'learning' roll with a company I plan on working with after collage. Most companies wont allow that I guess but I'm gonna try anyway, and I plan on going into a science field, my mom also did this but she is an adult, so I don't know if I would be allowed to have any kind of role in this company. I'm asking exactly how, if I can, and what should I ask this company for?

Did I screw up my first date?!?

We're sixteen. It was our first official date although we've been hanging out a lot lately. We had a great time and we laughed and held hands and cuddled during the movie. It was a group date and as they were dropping me off, my boyfriend said he'd walk me in. I kindof laughed and said "Reallly...?" Because I thought he was just kidding. He was serious and he did. He had been popping mints and chewing gum all night so I thought he was going to kiss me, but as I got almost to my house he said really quickly "Well, I'll go now!!" and went really quickly back to the car. I felt like my comment like "Really?" made him think I didn't want him to kiss me, and I did. I don't want to bring it up because I'm embarrased. What can I do to make this right?

Hi is it necessary to write entrance exam to join mba in correspondence in madras university?

Go for Pondicherry university.It offers degree in correspondence through UEI GLOBAL,PUNE.visit

I have done Bsc Nursing from chennai and now want to take up MA english regular.How to go about it?

I'm a Bsc nurse and no longer interested in pursuing it. i want to take up English (MA) regular from Chennai. Am i eligible for it? Any problem in switching over to different field? I'm pursuing Msc Psychology at present via correspondence from Madras univ? can i pursue it with MA together???

Why does this happen to me?

I agree with you about jobs, money, and other things not having intrinsic meaning. But I don't feel others are the only way to find meaning. You cannot love and connect to others if you cannot do the same to yourself. Read Alan Watts.

Would you spend over �1000 on a computer if its your hobby?

i'm in a tricky position about getting a new computer, that cost over one grand and i'm sixteen. But computers are my hobby what would you do?

Do you think people will make fun of me if I dress like this at my new school... (Picture)?

you look really young but when i seen the side of your face you looked older for some reason. maybe it was the lighting. I like your hair though, it's pretty cool :)

MBA in university of madras?

My Tancet score is 26.6,i applied for self supportive seat in university of madras, do i have a chance to get it?

After what happened to Charla Nash, why is anyone in the U.S. allowed to keep a chimp at home?

It is well known that chimpanzees are physically stronger and fiercer than human beings are. In light of this knowledge, why are people allowed to keep chimps in their homes where they can potentially escape and hurt or kill innocent people? A home is not a zoo, so a homeowner should not be allowed to keep a chimp at a private residence in a residential neighborhood. Charla Nash was left blind, disfigured, and without hands after 'Travis' the chimp, a neighbor's pet, freaked out for no reason and brutally attacked her. I can't believe there has been no legislation banning the private ownership of chimps in residential neighborhoods following this grisly attack.

Assassin's Creed Poll: Altair VS Ezio VS Desmond?!?

I personally love all of them. From distant, fierce, cold-hearted Altair to noble, dependable, powerful Ezio, it's already hard enough to choose. I just think that Desmond deserves some props too. I mean, you're really HIM in the game, & he's the modern assassin. Altair & Ezio have a special place in my heart, but what do you guys think? I just think that while Ezio & Altair had to earn their place as top assassins, Desmond had the easier route (he picked up all of Ezio & Altair's moves from using the animus, rather than actually being trained for them.) Don't get me wrong, Desmond's a beast, but... it's just my opinion. What do you guys think?? :D

Need some help with character names?

Honestly, the best character names are ones that are realistic. Harry Potter? Generic name without a specific meaning. Characters who have a trait in their name is too cliche. Pick names that you like, pair them with last names according to what nationality they are from. If you pick the name Paul and decide his ancestors were from Australia, you Google Australian last names and should find things like Beckett.

Any workouts for girls wanting six packs?

I'm sixteen and I'm comfortable with my weight (about 120-125), I am in shape, my tummy is normally flat unless I've just eaten a big meal, and I am very determined. But I would really like to bump up workouts because I've been getting lax and I want more to do during the summer when I'm bored. Are there any workouts out there to get a six pack for a girl? Diet tips would be good too since I am a food aholic.

I'm making a chicken madras ?

Iv followed a recipe online but it tastes too much like tomatoes any idea how to make it taste less like tomato?

What do I need to improve my Warrior deck?

Your deck is great, but you need more monsters. other than that, also make shure the amount of trap cards and spell cards are not over but a bit less the amount of monsters you have. I recommend getting a starter deck and then taking out the worse cards.

What is the advantages and disadvantages for a member of local stock exchanges?

I am sub broker of NSE thru a reputed member. I planned to join a member of Madras Stock Exchange and trade in NSE terminal. I want to know the advantages and disadvantages of the same?

Correct my short story?

Once a fierce and horrible giant lived in the deep dark forest he scared all the people in the village nearby why doesn't he go away they asked we would be better off without him the giant ignored them and tried his best to make their lives miserable

Can I get British Citizen through Naturalisation?

My father was living in India and got a British Passport from Madras, India. His passport got expired few months after I was born. I read some where : people who were born when their parents where holding British Passport can apply for British citizenship by naturalisation. My father's passport has expired long and he didn't renew it. any help??

In need of some boxing help?

u also gotta do some minor weightlifting but not too much also try to see if you can get some small weights and put them in oyur hands then punch with them that will improve your punch also add your name and well see you in the hall of fame pacman also do a bit more runnin try to do it by distance not time 2 and a alf to 3 miles is good for your age.

Multiple irregular moles?

I have several irregular moles(asymmetrical, partially raised, different shades of brown on each, jagged edges), one on my arm, one on the inside of my thigh, and another on my face. I was wondering if I should be worried about these being hazardous to my health? I know the a b c d e of skin cancer, but I never heard of more than one spot appearing with cancer. I am sixteen with fair skin and red hair, and they have NOT been there my whole life. I've also not noticed growth with the ones on my arm and leg, but I feel like the one on my face has slightly grown.

What will happen? help?

I recently got raped up the butt by a fierce unicorn, it hurt but felt magical. But i have been constipated for the last two days and im scared that when i finally poop I will poop out confetti. I'm scared, what do you think will happen and how can i keep unicorns out of my butthole?!

Do Mainstream Christians endorse same sex marriages?

No. They recognize them as impossible by definition. Check your dictionary. Besides, what difference would "endorsement" make? Do you really think that endorsing flying cows would enable cows to actually fly in any real sense? Or that rational people would accept the idea of flying cows just because they were "endorsed"??

Semiformal style question?

That's a fine casual look, but it's not semi-formal. Semi formal is just one step below formal (as the name implies), so men have to wear dress pants (khakis aren't dressy enough), shirts, ties, dress shoes, and preferably jackets. You might be able to get away with no jacket depending on the nature of the event, but you definitely have to wear formal pants and shoes.

Will I lose weight if I keep this up?

I'm sixteen and trying to lose some weight to get rid of some of this curviness that I hate. -_- Anyways, I'm a dancer, so I thought, 'What better way to exercise than dancing, right?' In the morning, I have five strawberries. In the afternoon. I have two pieces of toast and a yogurt. After doing that, I play Just Dance 2.. It's a Wii game, and all in all, I burn 952 calories on it. Afterwards, I'll eat a regular dinner, because I can't really control what my Mom fixes. But she cooks healthy things and small portions, so I think I'm good on that. Anyways, I've been doing this for a few days, and I haven't lost anything. /: Will I lose any weight if I keep this up?

What should i buy for my bestfriends sweet sixteen?

I'm a girl and I'm trying to find the perfect gift for my best friend which is a guy. I already bought him and really nice engraved picture frame two years ago. So any ideas?

My cat used to be gentle and lovely, but now she has turned timid/shy and fierce to my other cats? :( x?

Its quite upsetting she used to curl up next to me but now all she does is hiss and stuff at other cats when they just walk past her and they have done nothing wrong! x shes quite old i think shes the oldest cat out of 3... shes called daisy:{ she lost her sister when she was younger... why is she like this? what shall i do?

Brown goo instead of period?

im sixteen had first period at 11 it was irreagular VERY! got on depo shoot was on it for three years n never had a period been off for a year now and still no period so doc put me on the birth control pills and now im on my last pill of the period week and started having brown goo on my tampon yesterday morning ...what coould this be? pregnant? because i havent had a period in so long? some one please help!

Where to apply for getting a lost degree certificate?

I graduated in 1961 from Alagappa Chettiar college of engg Karaikudi affliated to the then Madras University

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What cologne should I buy?

I was checking out Polo Black and I keep getting mixed reviews on it. Some make me really wanna buy it and some make me really wanna ignore it. I am going into High school and I don't want to smell like an old guy or something. I have a bottle of fierce from Abrecrombie so it's not like I don't have a great smelling cologne to back up Polo Black if I get it and it has a terrible result

Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?

I hope you don't expect anyone to read that, I certainly won't, but I will tell you I liked Harry Potter better.

I just found out my best mate is gay? What should I do?

16s legal age to have sex so its not really that bad and if you've got nothign against homsexuality whats the problem?

Whats a good tumblr URL?

I wanted to have "living-fiercely" but thats already taken, anything else I could put instead of living, or anything with the word fierce in it? or even anything thats like that would really help!

My brother (21) is sleeping with my friend (16) Should I tell someone?

You tell me, I'll tell 2 people, they'll tell three people, it'll go around like the black plague back the good ol' days and you're bro will find out eventually.

I need to think of more activities to do for my disney-themed sweet sixteen! Help?

I'm having a disney themed party for my sweet sixteen, and in terms of activities the only things I planned are movies and dancing. I want people to have a good time, but I think they need more ways to occupy their time. Does anyone have ideas on disney related games or activities that could work for my age group? Its okay if they seem like they're more childish, a lot of us act like children anyways. Please help me!

Living alone at America?

Ok, so here's a thing. I'm sixteen at the moment, don't think I'm a stupid teenager or something.. I'm very independent (because of my moms illness, taking care of me, and my 6 yr old sister since I was 11) and I'm already thinking about my future.. I'm currently living at UK, but not its citizen (I'm Russian). And I'm thinking to move to America (alone) when I'm legally independent, so I guess when I'm 18.. I'm working part-time job at M&S, and studying Art&Design at college. Can anyone tell me where do I need to start, to have a full life at USA (I'm thinking about living in Seattle). Do I need a Green Card or something? How much money I will need to rent a flat, or a room, and is it hard to find a job? Thank you

The best way to reach Madras Medical Mission from Central?

Hi, Iam going to Chennai, i would like to know the best way to reach Madras medical mission from Chennai Central Railway station. What would be the auto and taxi fares , also the time to reach there.

Is there a way to remove a misdemeanor assault charge from someone you had put on them?

Depends on what the charge is. Should have been domestic violence. He can call the prosecuting attorney and tell him that he wants it dismissed. They might or might not do that.

Mom mad about not getting a job.?

I just turned sixteen and have applied at over seven different places for a job. I live in a small town and my mother gets upset because I don't have one. What should I do?

Why Am I Addicted To Being In Love?

I'm sixteen and for the past two years I haven't been single for more than a month. I try to stay single, but then I always start feeling lonely and even more depressed than I already am. Guys that I date make me happy. I just have a phobia with staying single. It doesn't feel right. Can anyone tell me what is the catalyst or reason or WHY I am like this? Anything? I really need to fix this problem. I jump from guy to guy everyone says. My friends and even my MOM said that...

Can we take additional courses(other than regular BTech) in IIT madras?

I've heard that there is a credit and audit system in IITs. Please specify the website that will help me in knowing about this.

Pregnant teens + teen moms , help?

Okay so I'm sixteen years old and I'm 16 weeks pregnant , and I'm basically gonna be going back to school as soon as my belly is gonna be getting noticable , and from there its just gonna get bigger obv, so what kinda clothes should I wear ? Yoga pants and stuff yeah , but I still wanna dress my age and wear my old clothes and stuff , so my question is what kinda cute stuff could I get from places like victorias secret pink that will be comfortable during school while I'm 6+ months prego ? Thank youu <3

What's Madras used for, or in?

by Madras, I mean the fabric, not the city or the cocktail. Also, can you please include a picture? Thank you!

Is it true that only looks matter?

no. i hate b*tchy people. she should be at least decent looking, but i dont like people who are jerks.

How to deal with such an intruder on facebook ?

hey .. i posted something on a friend wall and then some guy intrude and try to be funny by saying rude and racist stuff .... i didnt know how to reply cuz im not that fierce .. any suggestion ?

Weight problems. I really would like some advice on what to do. I'm stuck. And changes need to be done fast...?

So I am a sixteen year old girl. Almost 17 and going into my senior year and my life is soon approaching. I'm and really overweight. I'm a vegaterian, I eat pretty well, if I eat fast food maybe once a month or not at all. My problem is exercise. I really need to shed alot of pounds. I used to walk around my complex, after dinner everyday. But now summer it's Sooo hot. Makes it unbareable. I dont have alot of money fir treadmills, or join a gym. But I want to make a change, I need to for my health. Diabetes, high blood pressure runs in my family. Please give me some tips.

What do you think of Paul Tracy's comments on Nascar?

Like the others pointed out, he came to Nascar and didn't make it, I believe he even tried trucks a couple times. So if it is so boring why come and try it.


i am an undergrad student of NIT Trichy doing my civil engineering over there.i have a cgpa of 8.3 out of 10 and i intend to do MS in structural engineering at georgia tech. i have a GRE score of 1400. i have done two projects at IIT Madras and one research project at SERC(Structural Engineering Research Centre)...i also have pretty good recomendations letters of which one is from a professor who had worked at georgia tech before...MY QUESTION IS WHETHER THAT RECO LETTER WILL HELP ME TO GET ADMISSION AND ALSO WHETHER I COULD HOPE TO GET A SEAT OVER THERE??? please help!!!

What should i add to my warrior deck?

take out hibikime , top runner , and the six samurai because hibikime is useless , add speed warrior , junk synchron , take out gaia and replace it with swift gaia , add junk warrior , junk archer , junk destroyer , and colossal fighter , and command knight with can boost your monsters .



Any opinion would help?

I would keep dating him until I'm at least 20. If you're still together you can think about taking things more seriously. You're so young and there's so much baggage around all of this, let things continue the way they are, and decide what to do later if your relationship is still going on when you're older.

Why is my sister acting so moody lately?

My 11 year old sister has always been sort of dramatic, and moody, but this summer, she has been acting more dramatic and moody then ever. She is going into middle school, so I know she is trying to fit in, and act more grown up, but its getting really annoying! Like, this morning, I was cleaning my room, and she comes in and starts messing with my make up. Nicely, I said to get out so I can finish cleaning my room. She got really mad, through all my makeup on the floor, knocked over some other stuff off my dresser, and stormed out. I am sixteen and I have never been that moody when I was her age, I have always been a pretty laid back person. She isn't about to start her period because she hasn't said anything about cramping or anything other symptoms.

Does my son have a bipolar disorder?

I think the best thing to do would be to visit a doctor. There could be other reasons though, has he had a rough time at school?, does he have many friends? because when I was in school and I had no friends I use to take it out on my parents. Good luck though.

What is your view on "Periyavaal" and "Periyaar"?

Jagat Guru Chandrasekara Saraswathi Swamigal and Thandhai E.V.Ramasamy Naicker were spiritual leaders. Mahaswamigal lead a religious life heading a prominent Sankara Mutt, whereas Thandhai Periyar lead a non-religious life heading a self-respect awakening party. Mahaswamigal spread the Hinduism, Hindu traditions, cultures and thus done dharma paripalana. Thandhai E.V.Ramasamy Naicker spread Rational thoughts in Atheism, awakening the people from the supertitious belief and make people to feel their own self respect. Both spiritual leaders were away from politics. Both were kept respect each other. Thandhai Periyar not against Brahmins as some one mistaking him as anti-brahmin, but he was against Brahminism which told supertitious beliefs. He was having more respects on brahmins personally for which his friendhip with former c.m.of tamilnadu and first governor general of free india c.Rajagopalachari, affectionally called Rajaji, Moodharingnar. They are the best example for a friendship.

Royal Enfield is an england company...and the name if from the weapon manufacture of england...?

My question is .....Is the company has been sold to india.....means Royal Enfield India...produced in madras.......any more detail help please.

Any song ideas to sing to my best friend?

Me and my best friend r gonna have a combined sweet sixteen and i wanna sing her a song, a song that pretty much says im glad to have her in my life...any ideas? i like country but not hard core country... any songs u no that will b good to sing to her plz tell me. Thxxx

My rat has a tumor and I don't know what to do. Help?

My rat is a year or two old and I noticed a couple months ago that she was developing this large tumor on her side in front of her left leg. It's pretty large, but I looked it up and it said I had to go to a vet to remove it from her. But money is extremely tight and I can't afford it being only sixteen and having no job..I asked my mom if maybe she could drain it with a syringe because she's a nurse, but she says she doesn't recommend it. Many sites say that if I decide not to get it removed I should euthanize her. I don't want to lose her and I don't want her to suffer. :( Any help?

Anyone have any epic party ideas?

So I'm turning 17 in three months and I really want to do something fun because last year I didn't do anything and I feel bad that I didn't get a cool sweet sixteen party kinda thing. This year I have money to do something I'm just not sure what. I have a lot of friends who will kill me if they aren’t invited so it has to be something that many people can go to. We love to dance and be insane. My house is small but our back yard is huge, it is also woods. I have a lot of friends who I love and who love me, but don't actually get along with each other, also I have guy friends and a boyfriend who would be there. Lol so the girly slumber party where we jump around in our underwear during a pillow fight probably wouldn't work. lol I thought I would include that just because. Any ideas are welcome thanks!!!

After you spent the night with someone, what happens then?

well there is 2 things you can do you can start talking to him or just go on like nothing ever happend and be friends

Why is my sister acting so moody lately?

My 11 year old sister has always been sort of dramatic, and moody, but this summer, she has been acting more dramatic and moody then ever. She is going into middle school, so I know she is trying to fit in, and act more grown up, but its getting really annoying! Like, this morning, I was cleaning my room, and she comes in and starts messing with my make up. Nicely, I said to get out so I can finish cleaning my room. She got really mad, through all my makeup on the floor, knocked over some other stuff off my dresser, and stormed out. I am sixteen and I have never been that moody when I was her age, I have always been a pretty laid back person. She isn't about to start her period because she hasn't said anything about cramping or anything other symptoms.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Is this ok to eat every week?

well this isnt a healthy died at all , u ness to eat vegetables and fruit , no ice cream no pasta or carb , well al least no carbs after 5 pm , try yogurts , or low fat cookies and tuna and others stuff

What should I make of all these unusual weather patterns?

Its really stressing me out. It seems everyday there is something going on around me like fierce winds and rain. And in China a flood. In NZ a earth quake. In Japan etc. It seems like the whole planet has started a ferocious repugnant cycle. Any takes on this

Why our country is named as India?

India seems to be a British imposed name. Why the constitution adopted India as name of our country, though this name do not appear before the advent of Europeans. This country should have been named Bharat. If Madras is changed to Chennai, Bombay to Mumbai then why not India to Bharat. Though it may annoy the Muslims as Bharat is a Hindu name.

Trouble with my mam please help me?:(?

ok my mam is really protective and im just so sick of it :/ kids in my street are allowed outside at like half 10 and they're only like 12 year olds. i'm nearly sixteen! she dpesn't let me go anywhere and rings me constantly when i do. I'll admit that i am very cheeky but i do alot for her around the house and im constantly mindin my sisters. we're in the middle of a row now over it and i'm just sick of fighting but it feels like her and my dad are just ganging up on me :( like anything i do is wrong, i've spent the last four nights crying myself to sleep over it, please help. and no answers saying ''she just cares for you'' it won't help.

Im in love with a schizophrenic!?

Ah hi, i am in a lot of stress at the moment and i cant... i try... look i just feel like giving up! im married 3 years now to a woman i loved the moment i set eyes on. but we have gone through so much in our lives i am with her 10 years this july and all of our life so far has been so good,but now i think i am at the verge of collapsing we are blessed with two beautiful children their twins and reach there first birthday this august .my wife has become ill with a mental illness called Schizophrenia if you havent heard of it this affect mind etc and has voices only she hears it was very strong on her side of the family and unfortuantely she has under pressure big time because she has mental confusion she sees things hears things and tells me im not her husband that she is married already and has four children (None of this true it has to do with her illness) and says her children are not hers either that they were left here .I spend so much of my time in dark rooms at night just thinking i feel lost .i look down at the two most beautiful babies that we had together and hurt she cannot share the experience with me. i have to mind her like a child because she could do self harm because this illness is dangerous im under fierce pressure with office work and the minding the twins.we sleep in seperate rooms and she wont let me near her.she is on medication for the illness .i have no help because i lost my parents when i was young and i dont speak with my brother and friends i have lost since i became almost a full time work baby holic...i feel alone i just cant describe it.BUT i want to make myself clear i do not blame my wife at all! it is none of her fault at all and i love her more and more .i just really needed someway to express my thoughts and feeling at this moment because i need someone to talk to i cant lose my wife i wish i just wish she remembered who i was. Thanks to everyone and anyone out there who took the time to read this. Andere x

Can a 13 year old date a 16 year old?

Hi :D, Im Samantha. There is a fifteen year old guy in my church and we like eachother. Nothing serious yet, not officially dating or anything. Well, we are going with our youth group on a mission trip when he is turning sixteen. Im turning 14 in a few months. If he asks me out, would it be okay to date. I absolutely realize NO SEX. And him being in my church, I think its the same. Anyway, please answer. Anything will be appreciated. Thank you :D

I want some GAY male friends!?

Im a woman BUT i think that gay men seem so cool to hang with. Like when I see them socializing while im out it makes me want to befriend them so bad =D!! Am i weird for admiring gay guys?? Lol the ones i have went to school with and seen out always had humour and were so blunt and fierce. Just COOL! How can i get gay guys to be my friend??

Sixteen year old dating thirteen year old?

My friend just turned 16 and is dating a girl who just turned 13. Hes going to be a junior in high school and shes going into 8th grade idt this is right but I want a few more opinions before I try to talk to my friend about this, please give input. And thanks in advance

Do you know, when madras university will conduct the examination for Distance education students ?

Do you know, when madras university will conduct the examination for Distance education students ? (

What meal could I make from these ingredients?

Bangers and Smash. Salmon on a bed of lemon Rice pilaf, Cheese chives, and parsley omelet. Curried rice and lemon squid.

Dreamed i had a daughter?

alright im a guy so i had this dream i remember bits and pieces of it but some of the other stuff is scratchy but all try and start from the beginning i remember i was trying to get my wife and daughter who in this point in time was a baby to safety i distinctively remember calling her hailey i remember my wife was one of my best-friends i used to like and in my dream i felt a hatred for her like i was angry at her but that's not the part that im attached to so anyways i got them to safety but still something happened this is the part that i don't really remember all i really remember is the next part im walking up to the front yard were hailey and my wife are and hailey is about four or five she was very cute and she had some of my features but none of my wife's my best-friend and me have black hair and brown eyes but hailey had blonde hair and brown eyes i remember being there for her the emotions i felt for her were intense extreme protectiveness i loved her more then anything in this world as a daughter and i feel like shes real somehow but me my friend and hailey were walking on a beach and this big helicopter pulled down i remember the fear in Hailey's eyes they took them away another two years went by and i was with my step-dad and his brother i remember being in this thing that was above ground long story short my step-dads brother jumped out of this plane thing and got seriously injured so we bring him to a scientist research business slash hospital to get healed so we were on are way to the room he was in and i run in to this business lady and she was one of the the ones that took hailey so i attack her and grab her phone and got out of there i was just about to find were hailey was and the i woke up when i woke up i felt sad that i couldn't save her and that i couldn't see her at least one last time can anyone tell me what this dream means oh and im sixteen i would appreciate it.

Is my yami yugi deck ok,good,bad (i know i left out a few cards)?

it looks good but you need to orgnize your cards si i can see the list. also i have built one befor and it worked good befor it took on a spellcaster cammand deck. but the deck is good.

Does Zelda have a weapon stronger than the Master Sword?

ZELDA never uses any weapon besides the Light Arrows and Magic Spells. the person you really refferring to is called Link. that's his name. and no so far the master sword is probably the strongest sword in the zelda universe. Ganon is his ultimate evil foe that can only be beaten by the master sword. of course there are other villains in the zelda universe but ganon is known to be far superior. therefore making the sword the most superior weapon. (theoretically speaking of course) and no one can say skyward sword is more powerful because Skyward sword becomes the master sword.. so either its weaker or JUST as strong..but id put my money on weaker.

Rate my Yugioh Deck 1-10?

Ummm... 2/10. Sorry buddy, but as a tourney deck, this deck isn't that great. There is very little structure, for example, wtf is summoned skull in there for?

Need help naming my 8 week old rott. she is fierce!?

she is teething alot and i wanted names like Kaylee, layla, laylani, or pirauna. any suggestions b/c my fiance wants to name her yasu...

Madras university French 1st Semester only question papers with answers.?

i need Madras university French 1st Semester only question papers with answers atleast with five model papers. please send to my mail id-

How to dress preppy and casual at the same time?

Im an 18 yr. old guy, and I prefer to dress preppy, but I feel like its too formal to wear polo shirts or dress shirts all the time. I wear ralph lauren or other nice t-shirts to be more casual, but then they just seem to casual. Is there any way to look preppy and casual at the same time? I dont have as much trouble with pants/shorts because I can wear seersucker/madras with either casual or formal attire, but I just have trouble finding a shirt that is casual and preppy, any suggestions?

Do you think long distance relationships work out?

I think if you have to questioned it there's a what does that tell you? Also, you sound about teenish. live your life! These are supposed to be the best years of your life. Youre free enough to have fun. do you really want to spend time being unhappy in a relationship? Trust me. You don't want to find out in the long run it was all for nothing or if your friends are right, you wasted time on someone who obviously wasn't worth your time from the start. Go out and be a teen and have fun!(: Remember, relationships should make you happy. Not distressful.

How to heal my mouth from braces?

well I have braces and whenever they make a cut or sore in my mouth, which they do a lot, i use something called Oragel Antiseptic Rinse which is a nice, easy to use mouth wash that helps clean and heal all types of mauth sores and pains very quickly and easily. I usually start feeling pain relief from it within a few minutes of using it and start seeing my sores go away within a day or two of using it. In my area, its usually hard to find this stuff but hey, maybe its easier in your area. Oh and I always get the mint flavored kind, which tastes great XD

I need madras university timetable2010?

You can try the university website to get the timetable... a href="" rel="nofollow"

Does this sound like stomach cancer?

I have been having acid reflux for a couple years now, but have never really done anything about it. In the past six months or so, it's only gotten worse and worse. I have reflux, indigestion, horrible stomach pains and lots of bloating (I'm skinny, but my stomach is puffy and big), loss of appetite and weight (used to eat a ton, now I never want anything), nausea and (sometimes crippling) fatigue, runny stools, and just an overall feeling of unwellness. I have this after every single time I eat and it lasts for hours and hours. I am constantly bothered by it; there's not a moment of my day where I feel "good" unless I haven't eaten anything at all... which makes my stomach burn with hunger and makes me feel sick and dizzy. I'm only sixteen, I don't know how this could be possible, but I'm very worried!

Who was more hated: Barack Obama or George W. Bush?

They both have fierce critics, but who was more hated? How does the Tea Party of 2009 compare with the anti-war protesters of 2003? Who was more disrespectful?

How do i make my car sound loud?

i recently turned sixteen and got an 06 mustang. i would really like for it to sound loud. im a girl and i have no clue what im talkin about when it comes to stuff like this. i need help!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What kind of rims should i buy?

okay, i drive a GMC SIERRA and im wanting some nice off road rims to compliment my 31" fierce mud tread tires, i spent a good grand on the tires so i don't want tp skimp and spend 350$ on rims but about 450-600$ is my range. from looking around i know that i want black rims with some crome in them and that for nice rims that's a fair price but i still can t decide what would look best! please offer any advice!

I need big formal kind of pageant type hair style can anyone give me picture examples? ?

I'm sixteen and I have to model a dress that I made. I want a big flashy hair style like you'd see in glitz pageants. My hair is only about an inch below my shoulders so keep that in mind please. Thank you :)

What can i do for my sweet sixteen party invites?

i want them to be creative and i'm going to make them myself. the them of the party is the letter "C" because its a letter party

Accidentally got Draino on some dishes, should I throw them away?

My sink backed up something fierce, I was plunging and using Draino. If some of the draino got on some plates and stuff, can I put them in the dishwasher and be safe afterwards or do I have to throw them away

I need previous year question papers of TNDALU.?

Hi... I'm from Chennai. I'm studying 1st year BGL in Madras law college. I need model or previous year question papers for all my subject. Please assist me. Where can i download them from? Thanks in adv.

Dyed my hair for the first time................?

I'm sixteen and I've never dyed my hair with permanent hair color, just temporary ones. So yesterday I decided my naturally dark brown hair with a blondish dye (Loreal Preference Excellence Cream, Dark Beige Blonde). I did this thinking that it would result in a lighter brown, but instead I got red hair. Its not really red but the roots are much lighter than the bottom of my hair and I think I look horrible. First timers mistake I guess. I was ok with it at first, but I just wanna go back to brown again. I was thinking about dying it with an temporary color from Clairol Natural Instincts, maybe a dark brown. Would my hair be ok if I did this today, since its just temporary and may not be as harmful? Thanks guys

Sweet sixteen makeup?!?

The dress and hair is very beautiful. A foundation to use is Maybelline's Fit Me. and with that foundation comes in any shade and is camera friendly. You can get the Maybelline foundation at any drugstore such as walgreens, walmart, target, H-E-B. I have a few makeup ideas. Hope they will help. Even though the second look is for new years, it is still very pretty. same with the spring look which is the fourth link.